Whats New for 2010 at HYIP-Profits


Hello to everyone. I first want to wish everyone a happy holiday this season. My wish for everyone reading this blog is that you have many more happy holidays to come.

I am constantly striving to make improvements here so that your experience on my blog is enriched with as much information possible. We all know how volatile the HYIP market is, so sometimes its tough to keep pace with all the changes that happen in this market. My hat goes off to other blog site owners who are able to stay abreast with all the things going on in this business.

I am trying some new and innovative things out on HYIP-Profits. Hopefully, they will catch on.

Video Blogs:
I am launching videos on You Tube about some of the various programs that I am involved with. I am hoping that this will help to shed some light on some of the better HYIP investment opportunities out there. I have streamed them to this blog so you should see them under Vlogs. Sometimes You Tube gets a little goofy and stream the wrong videos here. If its something other than HYIPs from me, just refresh the page and you should be ok. If the problem persists, let me know.

Even though I have been on Twitter for a couple of months now, I am increasing my posts here so others will become more aware of whats going on the HYIP world. If you have not yet created a twitter account, do so now and follow us. Theres a lot of good info on Twitter, so dont miss out.

As usual, if you have any questions about what we do here or if you are looking for the latest hot investment opportunities, you can always email me and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Take care



Hello everyone. As we approach the end of 2009 I want to wish everyone a Happy and prosperous Holiday season. This is a very nice time of the year, because everyone seems to be in a more positive frame of mind. It is also the season for deperados. So I must warn everyone to be extra careful online and offline.

Having said all of that I want to introduce a very serious program called WBwso. I have been watching this program for a month or so, but after careful consideration. I believe that this will be a very lucrative long term opportunity. WBwso is claiming NOT to be a traditional hyip scheme, so I am not going to classify it that way until they show otherwise. There are not many programs out there that go into such explicit details about what they actually do. Most programs want to keep their operations secret or very vaugue. I like WBwso, because they to have broken out of the mold and are really doing some different things here.

WBwso is involved with the buying, selling and maintenance of commercial websites. How does this tie into HYIP investing?? Simple. WBwso has assembled a business model that allows them to operate off the capital of the investors. WBwso has also implemented state of the art technology that allow them to manage thousands of websites with just a few people. I dont know about you, but this sounds very promising to me. WBwso has opened their doors to the small investors and commonplace people. What does this all mean to me and you?? We get to make money from their efforts!!

There are several different plans that WBwso carries. Their most attractive plan in my opinion is the long-term "wealth builder package" these packages are compounded for 3 years at .06% daily. Do the math on that for a minute. If you invest $100.00 today, 3 years from now it will have accumultaed to approximately $90,000.00!! It wont make you rich, but thats a lot of cash for a $100.00 investment. They also have weekly and monthly packages thats available to place investments in. Their average weekly plans pay about 3.5% weekly and their avreage monthly plans pay about 14.5% monthly. They have several different plan to invest in, so for details, visit the WBwso website.

WBwso has a goal set to obtain 5000 investors, and are planning to close thier doors after this. they have already closed down 3 of the wealth-builder packages, because all slots were filled. This is awesome to me. This program has tons of potential and I dont think its really rediculous to invest a couple of hundred in the wealth-builder packages just to see what its going to do. You would almost be foolish not to do it, considering how we spend hundreds of dollars on HYIP programs that vanish into thin air. I think WBwso is a worthwhile venture for any HYIP investor.

For more details about WBwso and to join the program go here.

I am now on Twitter


Greetings to all out there in the HYIP world. I am now posting updates
on Twitter. What a nice surprise. Now it will be just a little easier
to communicate and discuss various programs. I enjoy reaching out to
people, and its not always about making referral commission or a
hidden agenda. I truly believe that we can minimize or chance for
losses in this industry by simply communicating more. So please don't
hesitate to email me or communicate with me whenever I may be. I am a
common investor who play with my own money. So I will only tell the
truth about whether a program is paying or not.
Take Care.

Funding Your E-Currency Accounts


Hello Again,

I have been getting several questions about funding your e-currency accounts from new hyip investors. Let me start by saying this to the newbies. Hyip's can be very profitable. But they are also very risky. So, you should never invest more than you are prepared to give away. Yes, I said that correctly.

There are several payment processors that I am currently working with and I will explain the easiest ways to fund hese accounts. If I have excluded a payment processor, Its because I am not working with them currently.

Liberty Reserve: This is by far the most popular payment processor in the hyip world. Their emblem is seen on probably 99.9% of the hyip sites that you know of. Liberty Reserve only deals through exchangers. In other words, you cannot send or receive your money directly to them. You must use a third party. These third parties are known as exchangers. Sending your money to an exchangers is also a very risky process so I urge you to use extreme caution and only work with reputable exchangers that have a reputation for actually going through with the process. If you need a referral to some reputable exchangers, please email me. Of course an exchanger wont exchange your money for free, so you must also decide how much to set aside for an exchanger. I would encourage most of you to send between $500 to $1000 at a time if you are going through an exchanger. The reason I say this is because first of all, you never want to send so much money through an exchanger that they will be tempted to keep it or if something goes wrong with the exchange, then you are losing sleep. $500 to $1000 at a time will work just fine and if you are investing in a good paying program, you can make up the lost charges in a matter of just a few days.

Perfect Money: This one is probably the second most popular exchanger in the hyip world. Perfect Money is fairly new and they are growing very fast. the one feature that I really like about Perfect money is that they allow you to deposit money directly to them via bank wires. This is a very nice feature as you do not have to worry about trying to put your money in more hands than necessary. You can also fund your perfect money account through an exchanger if you wish to do so, but I cant understand why you would. They have some very good security features also. they have implemented the new e-voucher. For datails about the e-voucher, please go to their website. You can also deposit to your perfect money account if you have an account through pecunix. You can also withdraw through a bank wire for a small fee ($50.00 plus 3%). This is by far one of the best ways to fund your hyip investments. Its just unfortunate that Perfect Money doesnt control as many hyip's as Liberty reserve.

Strict Pay: Strict pay is one of the fastest growing e-currencies in the hyip world. You can see more and more hyips using strict pay as one of their choices for e-currency. What I really love about strict pay is that they allow you to fund your account through an ach bank transaction. In other words, if you live in the continental US and you have a checking account, you can fund your strict pay account directly. The wait period is 5-7 business days, but the charge is very minimal ($3.75) You can also do a "quick ach" for $3.75 plus 5%. The most beautiful thing is that you can also withdraw your money the exact same way. You can also request a payment by check in which the charge is $2.00 and they will mail a check to you. The other forms of withdrawal for strictpay is the debit card that they offer and solid trust pay. This is one of the most versatile payment processors on the market and I hope that they are able to continue expanding their reach.

Solid Trust Pay: It is very similar to Strict pay in a lot of ways but they also have added features such as funding your account through them using your visa or mastercard. Here is a schedule of their fees:
Account Opening: FREE
Monthly Account Maintenance: FREE
Send Money to another STPay Member or Merchant: FREE
Receive Money from another STPay Member or Merchant:
1.5% plus $0.25 USD per transaction
Withdraw Funds from Your STPay Account
(allow 1 - 10 business days for receipt of funds depending on the size and type of withdrawal)
Cheque from SolidTrust Pay = $4.00 (Canada) / $7.50 (United States Cashiers Cheque)Electronic Wire Transfer = $40.00Direct Bank Withdrawal (North America) = $2.00Direct Bank Withdrawal (Australia, Brazil, New Zealand) = $10.00STPay VISA Debit Card = $5.00
Deposit Funds into Your STPay Account
Personal/Business Certified Cheque = $1.00Electronic Wire Transfer = $20.00Money Order/Cashier's Cheque/Postal Order/Bank Draft = $1.00Direct Bank Deposit (North America only) = $2.00Direct Cash Deposit and Payments via Credit Card = 6.9% + $1.55 per transactionSTPay VISA Debit Card = 3.5% + $0.25

So as you can see, they have many different options. This is another site that I hope will be able to grab a large part of the market share in hyip world.

Alert pay: This is the final processor that I will cover in this segment. Alert pay is known all over the world. They have built a reputation thats really putting their name on higher levels of service and achievement. You will not see many hyip's using alert pay. This is because of their strict charge back policies. They have less tolerance for non-paying hyip's than any other e-currency. Just like strict pay and solid trust pay, they have the ability to fund their accounts through direct bank wire and ach functions. This is king to me. I would rather not have to deal with exchangers to get my money from one place to another. Maybe one day liberty reserve will figure out how to do the ach function and keep everything secure. Here is a schedule of alert pays fees:

Open an account: Free

Receive funds by Credit Card*: 5% + $.25 usd

Receive funds*: 2.50% +$.25usd

Send money Free

Check: $4.00 USD

Bank Wire: $15.00 USD

Bank Transfer: $0.50 USD

Check: Free

Bank Wire: $20.00 USD

Bank Transfer: Free

Money Order: Free

Foreign Exchange
2.500 % The foreign exchange rate includes a 2.5% spread above the wholesale exchange rate at which AlertPay obtains its foreign currency. Exchange rates are adjusted regularly.
2.500 % The foreign exchange rate includes a 2.5% spread above the wholesale exchange rate at which AlertPay obtains its foreign currency. Exchange rates are adjusted regularly.
2.500 % The foreign exchange rate includes a 2.5% spread above the wholesale exchange rate at which AlertPay obtains its foreign currency. Exchange rates are adjusted regularly.

Hopes this informs you a little better on how the e-currencies work remember, only invest what are willing to give away and never go online with virus protection

What Will Stoic Do??


Hello everyone....Its been awhile since I posted here, but I wanted to address a few different things thats going on in the hyip world beginning with stoic. Stoic is in the midsts of a turbulence and they will either emerge victorious or hopelessly flounder like so many other hyip's have done in the past. I have been silently watching the latest turn of events with stoic. I must give them credit. They are surely fighting, but they have their work cut out for them. They are battling a number of factors right now, including Ddos attacks, hackers, spies, nay-sayers, negative posters, imposters..........and the list goes on.

Even with all those things, Stoic has remained......not quite the iconic hyip that we were viewing back at the beginning of the year. But the bottom line is they are still here. they could have disappeared months ago, and no-one would have been any less surprised than they were with Large Sum or Safeatom. There has been quite a bit of talk and speculation concerning the up and coming conference that stoic is supposedly going to have in 3 different locations around the world simultaneously. Some are saying thats its not going to happen, but stoic is constantly posting on their website that the conference is still scheduled and ongoing.

The congress that is scheduled to take place in a couple of weeks will be a huge turn of events for stoic and its investors. Either they are going to do everything they have promised and have tons of happy investors, or they are going to use this as a way and means to permanently disappear. They will in no way be able to maintain any sort of credability if the congress ends up being a bust. Many investors are anxiously awaiting the congress meeting to take place so that may be able to do their verifications in person and receive their long-awaited payouts.

Stoic has also moved everyone's maturity date up about a month and a half. Including mines. I tried contacting support to see whats going on but I was never connected with them. They had posted on their website that there would be some adjustments to the maturity date due to their extended absence for the congress. they also stated that there would be no interest payments from may 13 to May 29th.......So once again we are in the moment of truth for stoic and we are all watching to see whats going to happen.

I have always said this and to this day I am sticking with it. If you have any money invested in stoic or any other hyip, dont get on the forums and blast them. You are literally shooting yourself in the foot. Anyone involved with hyips knows the power of the tongue. You can say something really good about a program to someone else and they will think enough about it to spend their money and invest in the program. People, that why hyips depend so largely on referrals, and thats the reason they are willing to pay you so well to refer their program. On the other hand, if you say something negative about a program without really thinking, you can cause an avalanche effect and scare of any new potential investors as well as frighten shaky investors into pulling out all of their funds. Its the same principle that the stock market operates on. If Warren Buffet says that its a good time to invest, A lot of people are going to jump in whether they know what they are doing or not. They will do it just because of what Warren Buffet said. So lets try to be a little mindful and think before we speak. I am speaking to those who have money invested in the program. We have enough people thats NOT invested in the program saying negative things, so there is no shortage on negative posts. Your negative posts or threats to get the law involved doesnt help you , me or anyone else. They are just emotionally charged reactions, which is a no-no in the world of investments.

I am hoping that no-one is investing more than what they can afford to lose in any hyip and that everyone is diversifying their hyip portfolios to mitigate loses from any one hyip that may fail.

Speaking of which it looks as though WOIP is done cooking. Their last post was that they were taking increased security measures and that they would be back in a couple of days. Well, you see what happened. They arent back yet. They were victims of the same sort of conspiracy. Some may disagree with what I am about to say but lets think about this for a minute: What would happen if no one ever said anything negative about an HYIP....I'm not talking about the hit and run 11 day scammers. I'm talking about the long runners like stoic and woip. Could they last longer without the negative posts?? That may be something we will never find out. But lets all keep our fingers crossed for stoic. I'll say this one more time. If you thought enough of stoic to send them your money, you should not be afraid to support them even if they are not doing things the way that they promised. You have nothing to lose but your investment.

Silver Lodge Closing


As everyone know, Silver lodge is closing their doors to the public
for good on 4-25-2009. That's 2 days everyone. So if you have any
interest in investing in Silverlodge, you better make up your mind in
the next 2 days. I will say with all un-objectiveness, be careful. The
administrator of this program has stated that you can invest as little
as 10 dollars and that will keep your account open and allow you to
invest more. With the uncertainty of the hyip world, you never know
what the true motivation is behind a persons actions. Therefore, its
good to approach this proposal with caution. If you feel you must
invest here and don't want to lose the opportunity, just go in with 10
bucks. If he happen to stay open and remain a man of his word, put a
little more in. If he is paying as he promised, put a little more in. I
was a little thrown off by this whole thing when I saw that he was
giving such big bonuses for the larger deposits. These are the deposit
bonuses that he is offering:

Investments over. $1000 receive 10% bonus
Investments over $2500 receive 15% bonus
Investments over $10000 receive 18% bonus
Investments over $20000 receive 20% bonus

That would be a $4000 reward for investing 20 grand!

It doesn't have to mean he is going to scam, but once again, go into
this with your eyes wide open. Silverlodge has lots of potential and
they could turn out to be a pretty good investment. With that in mind,
I am in with my minimal 10 dollars! Of course I will be reviewing the
program still,so stay tuned for that.
Hope everyone have a great day...enjoy!

Libert Reserve SCI is down


Hope everyone is having a lovely day today. Happy Earth Day to you all!!

Libert Reserve has been having more problems out of their shopping cart interface (SCI). This has crippled many investors who rely heavily on Liberty Reserve to make investments in HYIP's. Many HYIP investment programs such as Stoic, Tradecontract, Asian Invest, Profit ROI and a few others are offering to allow you to place your investments manually. I am only speaking this as opinion, but I feel that it will be better to wait until Liberty Reserve has totally sorted out their problem before investing. If you feel that you must invest manually, please include all of your requested info in the memo section of your payment, as well as sending a corresponding email to the HYIP.

It seems that they are also having some issues with their API function, but that remains to be determined. It could be that some people are hiding behind this to prevent making payouts. I dont know. We'll see. But once again I feel that it is smart to just wait until Liberty reserve is back on track. You can also look into some alternative investment methods. You can see which programs accept perfect money as an alternative. or maybe even strict pay,solid trust pay, v-money or c-gold.
If you have a large investment that you are trying to place, your HYIP may accept bank wire transfers. A lot of hyips will do that for you. just a little notice for the ones who are not aware of the SCI issues that Liberty Reserve is facing.

Hope everyone have a wonderful day!!

A Warning To Liberty Reserve Customers


Hello to all, I am putting this blog up for all of the unsuspecting people out there who are falling for this email thats supposed to be from Liberty Reserve. It reads as follows:

Liberty Reserve is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. We have limited access to sensitive Liberty Reserve account features in case your account has been accessed by an unauthorized third party. We understand that having limited access can be an inconvenience, but protecting your account is our primary concern.
Please log in to your Liberty Reserve account using our secure server and update your account details:
Click Here or on the link below to re-validate your account information :
link deleted

Please note:If we do not receive the appropriate Account Verification within 24 hours , we willassume this Liberty Reserve Security Team Account is fraudulent and it will be suspended. The purpose of this Verification is to ensure that your account has not beenfraudulently used and to combat fraud from our Community. © Copyright 2001-2009 Liberty Reserve International Service Association. All Rights Reserved

DO NOT click on this link under any circumstances!!

The link looks exactly like it comes from Liberty Reserve, but its a phishing site thats designed to steal passwords and drain your LR account until it is empty. Yes, we have people in the world like this. Sad to say. But I receive several of these on a weekly basis and I usually just delete them, but I thought this time that I should share it with everyone and not assume that everyone knows about it. Even if this posting only helps one person, it was well worth it. Lets do all that we can to fight the hackers.

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